Admission Requirements

Application Deadline

申请截止日期为2024年1月1日,为下一个春季学期. 在申请截止日期后邮寄的申请材料将不予考虑. Late application items will not be accepted.

鼓励申请人在截止日期之前联系招生和咨询办公室,以确保所有文件都已收到. 虽然招生委员会意识到申请人不能自己提交所有申请材料, 申请人有责任核实他们的申请是否完整,并留出时间来提交遗漏的项目.

招生委员会将邀请最优秀的申请者到PG电子APP进行面试. 2025年春季班的个人面试将于3月25日至27日举行, 2024年4月,邀请将向选定的个人发出. If you are selected for an interview, it is required that you are on campus during one of these dates. Admission to this program is competitive. 满足所有申请标准并不能保证面试或录取.

Admissions Criteria


  • Minimum cumulative college 3.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0规模
  • 至少3.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0规模 for prerequisite coursework:
    • College Mathematics
    • Pharmacology
    • 微生物学
    • 解剖学
    • 生理学
    • Pathophysiology
    • 化学
    • Physical Assessment
  • Provide proof of an current, unencumbered RN license (and APRN license, if applicable) in the United States, its territories or protectorates. 执照必须在将进行临床实习或住院医师实习的州有效. 
  • 申请人必须已经取得或积极参与获得认可课程的护理学学士学位的过程. BSN must be completed by start of term.
  • 在申请该计划之前,作为注册护士完成至少一年的全职或兼职同等重症护理经验(后adn或后bsn). Experience must be within the United States, its territories, or a US military hospital outside of the United States. Acceptable critical care experience includes ICU, 情事属实者, MICU, NICU, PICU或SICU或任何有重症监护经验的候选人证明有能力管理不稳定的病人, invasive monitors, 通风, and critical care pharmacology.


Application Process

步骤1: Create an account to start your application.
步骤2: Complete the online application.
步骤3: Submit the following items through application portal:

  • $25申请费,不可退还,须支付给PG电子APP
  • Completed Assessment of Critical Care Skills form
  • Completed Core Performance Standards form
  • Completed Personal Statement
  • Current Curriculum Vitae
  • 注册护士/APRN执照和其他相关证明的复印件
  • 托福成绩(如适用)
  • References using the following forms:
    • 护理 Unit Director/Manager Recommendation form
    • Critical Care Coordinator/Shift Supervisor Recommendation form

Submit official transcripts. 正式成绩单必须直接从所有参加的机构提交. 请将以下项目直接寄到PG电子APP招生和咨询办公室:

  • One official transcript from each college/university attended
  • 你目前就读的课程的官方成绩单验证

After Acceptance

护士麻醉护理实践博士的先决条件包括GR 798学术写作要点的一个学分和研究生水平统计的三个学分,在注册该计划之前. 统计学课程必须相当于PG电子APP提供的GR 847应用统计学. 作为本科课程的一部分或本科阶段的统计学课程将不满足这一要求. 双学位的统计学课程只有在有成绩单证明该课程是在研究生阶段学习的情况下才会被考虑. 学生不需要在申请截止日期前完成这些课程.

提供美国心脏协会BLS, ACLS和PALS的最新认证证明.  这些认证必须在整个项目中保持最新. 


Laptop Hardware Requirements, System Formats & Minimum Specifications

护士麻醉课程要求所有学生都有一台笔记本电脑. PG电子APPIT部门不支持或维修个人电脑. 

Be sure to review the recomnended laptop models, system formats, and minimum specification requirements at

Student must have ready access to a scanner, fax and printer.

After a student signs into OneLogin, s/he has access to five free downloads of Office 365, including Word, 演示文稿, Excel, OneDrive and Outlook. 所有PG电子APP的学生都可以使用这个免费软件.